
Gingerbread House on a Sunday

On Sunday Mike and I decided to lounge around for most of the day- we gave Buddy a bath ( his first in a long time, since he is finally over his meds and can get a little wound up- we were afraid to bathe him before because he gets so hyper afterwards!) and we cleaned the fish tank, and we cleaned the house a bit. At this point we were still in our pajamas, and we decided to watch Hellboy 2 and make a Gingerbread house!!

We had so much fun : ) I can't remember ever making a gingerbread house before... either way, we had a blast. And it feels like the first intro to Christmas this year- I am excited for Thanksgiving, not only because I love it, but because afterwards I can decorate for Christmas and not feel silly : P

Anyways, thought you would enjoy pictures from our little gingerbread house making experience.

I thought the candies in the dishes were kind of a cute picture..... : D

Had to cut out the excess cookie from within the placement spots....

Mike was filling the slots with the frosting....

.... and Mike frosting the sides and putting the house together. We had to let it sit and dry for a half hour after this, so we just watched the movie and made lunch. 

Mike figured out how to make icicles on the roof sides!

It took me forever to get the timer set and position the camera right for this picture, Mike was little antsy by the end of it.  But I got the picture of us and our finished product!


Mike got his new gun!

Mike got home Friday morning from being offshore- not sure if he'll be in through Thanksgiving, but my fingers are crossed!!

So Mike was excited about his last paycheck, and he's been wanting to get his own gun for a while now- I got a gun about a year or so ago and learned how to use it- for my protection since I'm home alone a lot. It's a Smith and Wesson .38cal  snub nose 5 shot revolver. I like it : ) 

So I told him we could afford for him to get his gun finally this month- he picked out a Smith and Wesson also, his is .40cal semi-automatic. He likes his a lot : )

We have a friend Tim who works at the apartments that we live in, our roommate Josh works with him so that's how we got to know him. He lives out in the boonies, so when Mike told him he was getting a new gun, he offered to have us come out to his house, he lives on a bunch of acreage where he shoots his guns off for practice fairly often. We figured this was a much cheaper alternative that going to the shooting range where I first learned- it can get pretty expensive there! And the bonus was that Tim let us try some of his guns too- Josh shot a shotgun for his first time, I shot a .22cal rifle, Mike and Josh both shot a .50cal muzzle loader. I should have gotten more pictures of the guns, but I mostly just got a few of us shooting and some videos as well. Here there are, thought you would enjoy viewing our day today! : )



Josh and Tim



My Husband

Found this on McKenna and Richard's blog, I'm kind of missing Mike tonight so I figured I'd post it...

What is your husband's name? Michael Sean Reed

How long have you been married? almost 2.5 years

How long did you date? 8 years : )

How old is he? 24, he will be 25 in February

Who eats sweets? He would say me, and I would say him, LOL. I think I have more of a fetish for sweets, but he thinks about when he is eating them a lot less than I do

Who said I love you first? Mike

Who is taller? Mike is, by about 3-4 inches.

Who does the laundry? Depends- Mike is pretty good about doing laundry when he is home, but I think I am the only one who ever puts laundry away, even though it is my absolute least favorite chore LOL

Who pays the bills? I do- I try to keep him updated on our finances, but I do all the dirty work

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?  Mike

Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn : ( But when we do, I'll bet we'll share that one too, considering he works offshore so much

Who cooks dinner? Me- Mike makes breakfasts, I make dinners. 

Who drives? Usually Mike, unless we're going somewhere far, then we take my car and I usually drive because my car gets much better gas milage.

Who is the first to admit they are wrong? LOL wow we would probably fight about this one for a while.... I think it depends. I know I have a very hard time admitting when I am wrong.... we will leave it at that.

Who kissed who first? Mike kissed me first.

Who asked who out first? Hahaha yeah I guess that never actually happened. Well I guess he asked me out, but he kind of assumed it first, it's actually a funny story. Our first "date." Ahh, memories : D



Yeah, my roomie Josh got me sick. Boo-urns. I'm trying to decide if I am going to call into work this morning or not. I honestly don't feel quite as crappy as I normally feel when I am sick, but as I am sitting here on the good old computer I can feel myself reading thing over and over again, not understanding what I am looking at LOL. So I am wondering how much good I will be at work today... I am about to take a shower, I figure I will be able to tell after that how much better I may or may not feel. 

Mike, of course, went offshore again. On Saturday night. I get a little annoyed when he comes home and leaves in between my days off ( I was off Thursday and Sunday this week, he came home Friday and left Saturday). We are totally used to this lifestyle now, but I guess it doesn't keep me from missing him, sometimes it affects me more than others. 

I bought the "Twilight" movie soundtrack yesterday. I am listening to it right now, I think I like it very much- it has a lot of artists on it that I normally don't listen to, but it's growing on me. I also bought the entire first season of the original Get Smart, I feel asleep on the couch last night watching that. I love it  : )

So this week I think, I need to start figuring out what I am doing for Christmas cards- they always take me longer than I anticipate, so I figure this year I will get an early start on them. As soon as Mike gets home, we need to take a nice picture taken with Buddy in it. I think that's the first step- I'll figure out the rest from there. 


Vacation Day

So I am playing on my new iMac... yey! I am so excited we finally we able to purchase it- we are completely broke now, at least until the next payday, but we have been waiting for this for so long it's worth it!

Mike came home about 6 am Monday morning, and he just left a couple hours ago to head towards the dock again. He said they only have a 30 hour window for weather, so he'll probably be home again on Friday. 

I called my work today to see if they would let me use my Floating Holiday today- I am scheduled off tomorrow and I'm working Friday and Saturday, but Mike was home today and he didn't know at the time if he would be home tomorrow or not. The thing about my Floating Holiday is that I just accrued it on Nov. 5th, and I have to use it by Dec. 31st- that doesn't leave me with a lot of options. The way it works is, when you call into work, if they have the time "available" you can use paid time off, whether it be Holiday Pay or Vacation or whatever (we have about 20 different titles for paid time off LOL). If not, and you need to call in, you don't get paid and it's considered unexcused, and you get 11 unexcused absences before they will terminate you. Well they told me today that they didn't have any time available today so I couldn't use my Holiday, but then I told them I tried several times for several different dates to get my Holiday pay, and they keep emailing me back that there isn't time available, so I asked them when exactly they would like me to use it since it expires at the end of the year! They then told me that TOS (my department) has no available time for the rest of this year, so they overrode it for me to take the time today. 

So, long story short, I got to spend all day with Mike today! And it's a good thing I did because he got a call today saying he needed to be at the dock at midnight, so I wouldn't have been able to see him tomorrow on my real day off! We went and saw the new movie in theater with Seth Rogan, "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" it was hilarious!!! My friend Samantha gave me a gift certificate to the movie theater so we used that, and then we went to dinner at Chili's. I know, I just told you how broke we are... we really are, but Mike and I haven't gotten to do anything really nice together this month because he has been working so much, so I guess we just splurged. It was worth it : ) Actually, if I think about it, I wouldn't normally consider movies on a gift card and dinner at Chili's splurging..... whatever. 

Anyways, I had a wonderful time with my hubby today, and I am so glad that I was able to be paid for today and be home at the same time! Mike should be home by the weekend, so I will see him soon. 


Wondeful Birthday

I had a pretty great birthday this year... at firstI was a little worried about it because I woke up and it did not feel like my birthday- I know it gets worse as you get older, but I guess the little kid in me still wants to feel like the most important person in the world on my birthday... But I got a call from Mike first thing, and that was wonderful : ) It was the first time I've been able to talk to him since the last time he left, and we got to talk for a half hour or so. I do miss him a little.

Then I went to work. Wasn't too bad- as I said before, I just switched departments, from my transition training to the tansfer of srvice depeartment. I got a new manager, and I was training that day too- it was nice because I like my manager and most of the people I will be working with. I was thinking about calling in to go home early all day, but in the end I decided to stay the whole day and just deal with it.

I got home around 9:30 as usual and talked to my parents for a little bit. They sent me a card and a package of goodies like books and shirts. My good friend Tiff got me an iPod shuffle- I couldn't believe she was so generous! And Josh bought me a strawberry cheesecake ice cream cake from Dairy Queen (my FAVORITE place to get an ice cream cake from!) And then another friend of mine, Tiff's boyfriend Dan went to the Joe Satriani concert, and had backstage passes, so he brought a blown up picture of the last time he went to see Joe in concert, and he had Joe sign it and put "To Jenn" on it. So I was thrilled!

Overall it was a great birthday. The only thing that would have made it perfect would be to have my hubby here with me. He should be coming home soon after the weekend though, he said maybe Tuesday or so. Now I can't wait to go to the mall this weekend and get our new computer!!



I voted for Obama. How bout you, did you vote? I sure hope so. I think it's really important this time around.

My computer stopped working on Saturday. And then it worked when I turned it on this morning. Whatever. I think we're buying the new one this weekend- Mike and I both get paid on Friday, so it should work out. The opened up a Mac store in the Mall of Louisiana in Baton Rouge, so I think I'll go there- I called Best Buy to see if they sold Apple Care protection if I buy my computer there, and they said they only sold the Geek Squad protection thingy. I'm sorry, but if I have a problem with my new computer, I'm not always 100% confident that the Geek Squad knows how to fix my problem. And even if they do, they just mail it out to Apple and charge you like $4-500 bucks minimum. So I think it's probably worth it to drive the extra hour to Baton Rouge to get my new computer.

Started my new department at AT&T yesterday- Transfer of Service. Basically when someone wants to get their name and social security off of a particular line/phone number and let someone else take financial responsibility of it. I think I'll like it, it will be a little tedious and repetitive, but it sounds better to me than the general queue. I'm training today, and I think I'll take my first ToS calls either today or tomorrow. 

I am loving that it's cooling down outside now. It's not what I would consider "cold" except sometimes at night it gets into the 50's, but it's brisk and less humid, so it's more refreshing than the normal Louisiana weather.

And last but not least, Buddy is almost officially done with his heartworm treatment-  He will have finished his 31 days after his second shot treatment on November 16th, and then we can play with him again!! For those of you who don't know, he got heartworms, and we had to take him to the vet to get some nasty poisonous shots, and he can't be too active for 31 days after the shots because their job is to break up the heartworms and send them through his bloodstream- if he gets too worked up, his blood will clot and he could get really sick and die. So unfortunately Buddy has been annoyed with me because I won't take him for long walks or play with him at home- But everything will go back to normal again soon. Poor guy has been kept "mellow" since the beginning of September! Yeah, try keeping a Jack Russell mix breed mellow for 2 months! It's not easy! 

Mike said he may be home this weekend for weather- I hope so! He has called me twice since he left, and I missed them both. We have some friends driving into town this weekend to hang out, so I hope he is home for that. We will be celebrating my birthday, woohoo!