
Madi is 15 months old now!

She is a walking, running, climbing, crazy and spontaneous girl! She loves to be involved in everything that is going on around her, and her spunk is incredibly loving and contagious. 

Here are the words she uses:
Mom (Mam)
Dog (Da)
Milk (Muh)
Water (Wah)
Book (Boo)
Bath (Ba)
Eat (Eeee!)
Shoes (Shhh)
Diaper (Die)
Potty (Kwah-ti)
Outside (Ow)

Sometimes she prompts these words on her own, and other times her go-to word is “Mam!!” and then she points to what she wants, I will say it, and she repeats it back to me. Her non-verbal communication is very good!! 

Her favorite foods are toast, bananas, strawberries, meatloaf, sandwiches, grapes, salad (with minimal dressing), tomatoes, rice, mac n cheese, hamburgers, pasta with any kind of sauce, almost any fruits. This girl loves to eat! She still doesn’t drink a whole lot of milk but she does like to drink it sometimes and she also loves to drink water. She can usually drink pretty well from a regular cup but she enjoys walking and spilling too much so she only gets one in her high chair. She is also already starting to be good with her fork and spoon which is also fun for her. 

The potty has come out of storage, but more as a way to satisfy her curiosity and get used to being around it, she is not communicating well enough to start any real potty training and that is fine because it is still early! She loves to pull her diaper off and sit on it, and when she goes with Mommy into the bathroom she likes to help by getting out the toilet paper ;) 

She is finally starting to enjoy books, and can *almost* sit through an entire Sandra Boynton book before slamming it closed or getting up to do something else! She loves simple books with one word per page and will ask to read those ones over and over again. She also like to color on paper, pull stickers off paper, and play outside in the dirt. She got a sandbox for her first birthday and we are getting ready to finally put some sand in it for her to play in (with a June birthday it made more sense to use it as a mini pool when we first got it!) Inside, she loves to play with duplo and mega-blocks, her baby doll, toy phone, a ride on motorcycle, and chunky puzzles.

Madi sleeps pretty darn well and we have no real complaints in this area. She goes to bed around 6:30/7pm and gets up between 6:30-7:30am. She often wakes up early (around 4-5am) but puts herself back to sleep without assistance. She recently dropped to one nap a day, and as long as she falls asleep after 10am for her nap she will typically nap 2.5-3 hours. She loves her crib! She moves around over the place and is never in the same position when we check on her. 

We love our little girl and we are so thankful that she is a part of our family!