OK, I promised an update after our well-baby check up and family photos, so here it is!! Sean is now 18 lbs. 15 oz. (75%) and 27.5 inches long (80%). Dr. Bailey has no concerns about him whatsoever- he says if my kid wants to continue eating 7-8 oz of solids plus 4-6 oz of formula at each meal then keep doing what we are doing LOL!! I was worried I was overfeeding him, haha! But this kid sure knows how to put some food away, so I guess it's a good thing.
His third tooth has started to show since the 29th, so unfortunately we have had a few rough nights over the last few days. He is usually very good about putting himself to sleep, especially at nighttime. But for the last few weeks he has been waking at odd hours (there is no real pattern to it, sometimes it's as early as 11:30pm, other nights it's at 1 or 2 am) and having a hard time going back to sleep. He still goes to bed about 8pm after our daily walk and bath time, and he is taking 2-4 naps a day. Usually it's 2 or 3 naps, 1.5-2.5 hours long each, but on days where he wakes up super early and doesn't nap longer than 1 hour at a time, he can take as many as 4 naps in one day. This is pretty rare though.
He loves the exersaucer still, and sometimes he enjoys his swing, but not as much for napping in anymore. I usually put him in it around 5 pm when he is starting to get grumpy but it's too late in the day for him to really nap before bedtime. It's nice because it mellows him out a little. We have pretty much retired the vibrating bouncer chair, and the bumbo. But they are nice to have because Sean has so many of his other baby friends who are right behind him, so they can use those things when they come over to our house! His favorite thing to do right now is rolling around on the living room floor, and practicing his "push ups." He really, really wants to be mobile, but can't quite figure out how to put it all together quite yet. He loves to hold his own bottle now, he really doesn't want me helping him anymore LOL. And I can tell that he understands a few of the signs we have been using with him, but doesn't show any interest in mimicking them yet. For example, when he is grumpy right after he wakes from a nap, I'll ask him if he wants some milk, and use the sign. He stops fussing right away, looks at my hands signing, and then looks into the kitchen, like "what are you waiting for?" It's pretty neat. The idea of "more" is a little more complex so I don't think he understands that one yet. And I am almost positive his first sign will be "dog" because he just loves watching our dogs so much!

Playing with his favorite dog Jax
Doing pushups- he wants to crawl so bad!!
Momma gave him some freedom and let him play with breakfast : )
Sean's hair is getting longer... so we tried to do a mohawk at bath time : )
Sleeping like an angel at nap time...
He loves to hold the bottle by himself now
Big boy : D
These are Sean's official 6 Month photos at Sears, and we got a few family shots as well...