
Everything is Just Right. Breathe.

I have been really working on my meditation practice each morning and evening. It helps ground me. My brain is loud and a little bit chatty, sometimes it is a lot for me to handle. Sitting in meditation helps me really focus on "right now" and then the chatter doesn't feel like too much anymore. 

Today I found myself being extremely self-critical. I woke up with a to-do list a mile long and I wasn't sure how to handle it. When I feel like I have too much to do, of course the first thing I do is think of all the things I have already done (or haven't done) any all of the reasons why they are so in adequate. 

Today I wanted to stop that negative self talk in its place. It is not helping me at all. There is nothing beneficial about it. It's not like I am providing myself constructive criticism. I am basically bullying myself into submission, and I refuse to do it to myself anymore. Sometimes I am my own worst enemy, and it can be pretty rough. 

My thoughts were pretty powerful ones this morning. I felt drawn to journaling them for some reason. Usually my meditation is a pretty intimate experience, but for some reason as soon as I was done I felt compelled to write this out. So here I am. Maybe my experience can help at least one person to not feel so alone. 

You talk too much. 
You can’t sit still enough. 
You’re too slow. 
You didn’t get enough done. 
You were too harsh with the kids. 

Just right. 
Just right. 
Just right. 
Just right. 
Just right. 

With each breathe, remind yourself that everything is just right. 

This moment. It’s where you are right now. And it is just right. When you are speaking to your kids, you will be just right. There is nothing wrong with you. You are doing everything just right. 

Breathe. This moment is exactly as it should be. There is nothing you need to change. No need for any judgement or harshnesses. With each breath, notice that this is exactly where you are right now, and exactly where you need to be. Everything is just right. 

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